Incubator Pod Session 1


Session Outcomes

  • To recognize and embody important attributes of mentorship
  • To explore the mentor/mentee relationship and learn new tips on how to optimize this
  • To build and grow relationships with individuals who make up this group

Incubator Pod 2.0 is built to be flexible and your group was designed to accommodate your schedule based on your availability.  We sincerely hope that this helps you to get the most out of your time together.  The session agendas are designed to get a conversation started, but we encourage you to adapt or change the meeting prompts/topics to meet your group’s interests and needs.

Choose one member of the group to moderate/lead the session and choose another person to serve as a timekeeper, to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to share during the session. 

10 minutes:                           
Introductions and welcome; invitation for each group member to share what they wish to get out of the next year together.  For example, if there are any particular topics that you wish to discuss that are not included in the agenda, please feel free to express this and to design your own experience based on what you wish to get out of your time.  The meeting agendas are here to serve as guides, should you desire to use them.  Topics included in Incubator Pod 2.0 are as follows: Mentoring (discussed today), Work/life balance (outdoor activity), Giving and Receiving Feedback, Interviewing, Conflict Resolution, and Negotiation.

15 minutes:                            
Quick Hits: This is an opportunity for individuals to bring up any active issues/problems/projects that they would like to get the group’s feedback, advice, or support on.  When sharing a “quick hit”, please be clear on what type of feedback you would like to get from your group so that they can best support you.

20 minutes:                            
Sharing on mentorship.  Here are some questions to help get you started:

  • Share some tips/tricks on being a good mentor.
  • Share about a mentor who was particularly influential in your life.  Contemplate on where you would be without them.  Do they know how important they are/were to you?
  • Do you currently have any mentees?  If not, consider who you could mentor.  If you do have mentees, consider how you could up your mentorship game.
  • Do you currently have a mentor?  If not, why?  Are there any areas in your career where you would benefit from additional mentorship?
  • Discuss your thoughts on who drives the mentor/mentee relationship?  Is it the mentor or the mentee?
  • How do you establish expectations when you first meet with a mentee (or mentor)?  Are these expectations discussed? If not, would this be helpful?
  • How do you maintain the mentee/mentor relationship while balancing a busy clinical/research/work/other schedule?
  • What approaches do you take when mentoring individuals from different racial, gender, or generational backgrounds from yourself?
  • Do you have any mentorship (or mentee) dilemmas that you would like the groups input on/help with?

5 minutes:                              
The cadence of the group meetings will be approximately every other month for one year.  Use this opportunity to select the location, date/time of your next meeting and email this info to Michelle Lifto so that she can help support you.  Of note, the next session will be in January and the focus will be on work/life integration.  We encourage you to select an outdoor activity – such as a hike – to plan together.  You may want to take a few minutes to brainstorm.