Incubator Pod Session 4


Session Outcomes

As the interviewer

  • To discuss ‘best practices’ for conducting interviews efficiently and identify key interviewing skills
  • To discuss how interviews may differ when interviewing more senior applicants vs more junior applicants

As the interviewee

  • To discuss tips/tricks for interview preparation
  • To discuss ways to direct/guide interviews to prioritize your key points

Incubator Pod 2.0 is built to be flexible and your group was designed to accommodate your schedule based on your availability.  We sincerely hope that this helps you to get the most out of your time together.  The session agendas are designed to get a conversation started, but we encourage you to adapt or change the meeting prompts/topics to meet your group’s interests and needs.

Interviews remain a necessary step throughout our academic careers. We will be interviewed as part of our career advancement into new roles and positions. We will also serve as interviewers to evaluate applicants for various programs or roles including residency/graduate school positions, research positions, and leadership roles. How we participate in interviews, both as interviewer and interviewee, can significantly impact everyone involved. In this session, we aim to discuss best practices for interviewers and methods of success when being interviewed.

Choose someone in the group to serve as a timekeeper, to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to share during the session. 

10 minutes:                            
Quick Hits: This is an opportunity for individuals to bring up any active issues/problems/projects that they would like to get the group’s feedback, advice, or support on.  When sharing a “quick hit”, please be clear on what type of feedback you would like to get from your group so that they can best support you.

20 minutes:                            
Role of the Interviewer: This is an opportunity for individuals to discuss specific interview situations/topics and to share any helpful tips:

  • As the interviewer, how do you prepare for the interview?
  • How does your interview style change when the candidate is more senior (vs junior) than you?
  • How does your strategy differ when interviewing faculty vs trainees (medical students, residents, fellows)?
  • How do you approach group vs individual interviews?
  • What do you want the interviewee to take away from the interview experience?

​15 minutes:                            
Role of the Interviewee: This is an opportunity for individuals to discuss specific topics/strategies used when being interviewed and to share any helpful tips:

  • How do you prepare for an interview?
  • Are there strategies you use to ensure your talking points/main goals are integrated into the conversation?
  • What do you do to help make yourself stand out during an interview?
  • Does your strategy change for in-person vs virtual interviews?

5 minutes:                             
The cadence of the group meetings will be approximately every other month for one year.  Use this opportunity to select the location, date/time of your next meeting and email this info to Michelle Lifto so that she can help support you.