Incubator Pod 2.0 Session 6

Session Outcomes

  • To better understand how you engage with and relate to negotiation.
  • To learn from others in your group about how to best negoatiate in different parts of your life. 
  • To build and grow relationships with individuals who make up this group

Incubator Pod 2.0 is built to be flexible and your group was designed to accommodate your schedule based on your availability.  We sincerely hope that this helps you to get the most out of your time together.  The session agendas are designed to get a conversation started, but we encourage you to adapt or change the meeting prompts/topics to meet your group’s interests and needs.

Choose one member of the group to moderate/lead the session and choose another person to serve as a timekeeper, to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to share during the session. 

We recommend that you read the following article from the Harvard Business Review titled “Negotiation Strategies for Doctors – and Hospitals” (  This article describes three insights that expert dealmakers use and applies them to healthcare: (1) focus on interests, not positions; (2) framing matters; (3) negotiation space.

10-15 minutes:                       
Quick Hits: This is an opportunity for individuals to bring up any active issues/problems/projects that they would like to get the group’s feedback, advice, or support on.  When sharing a “quick hit”, please be clear on what type of feedback you would like to get from your group so that they can best support you.

40-45 minutes:                      
Sharing on your thougths and experience with negotiation.  Here are some questions to help get you started:

  • Is there anything from the article that you found particularly helpful or interesting?
  • Do you feel that you are skilled at negotiation?  If not, what do you feel you need in order to improve in this area?  What do you think is holding you back?
  • Share about a time when you successfully, or unsuccessfully, negotiated for something, either in your work or non-work life.  What went particulary well or poorly?  What did you learn from this experience?
  • The article discusses negotiating as “how might we engage with others in a way that yields better outcomes and understandings?”  What do you think about this statement?  How would you apply this to different situations such as patient care, negotiating for resoures at work, and other areas of your life?

5 minutes:                              
Wrap up and gratitude. This is the last session for Incubator Pod 2.0.  Take a moment to complete this time together by offering thanks and gratitude to your group for their sharings and time spent together over the past year. 

If you have any feedback to the Incubator Pod Team (Anne Suskind, Michelle Van Kuiken, Sam Washington, and Jim Smith), please provide this via email to Anne Suskind ([email protected]) and/or Michelle Lifto ([email protected]) – we would love to hear from you.  Thank you for your participation in this experience!